Turning Waste into Wealth for a Sustainable Future

Welcome to CIECO, where we’re on a mission to revolutionize waste management. With the global waste crisis reaching unprecedented levels, our sustainable technology offers a timely solution.

Zero Waste Planet

About Us

Founded in 2023, CIECO SustainTech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. emerged from a passion to address one of the most pressing challenges of our time—the global waste crisis. With backgrounds in technology, environmental science, and business, our founding team recognized the urgent need for innovative and sustainable solutions in waste management. After years of rigorous research and development, we launched our groundbreaking technology that not only manages waste but also transforms it into valuable resources. Today, we’re at the forefront of a waste-to-wealth revolution, setting new benchmarks for sustainability and efficiency.

Our Vision

Our vision is to lead the way towards a more sustainable and equitable world where waste is not an end but a new beginning. We aim to align our objectives with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the global ambitions for a Net Zero future. We’re committed to accelerating the transition to a circular economy, reducing landfill waste, and empowering communities and businesses to contribute to a greener planet.


Our mission is to redefine waste as an untapped resource.

Providing technologically advanced, yet user-friendly waste management solutions.

Creating economic value from waste by transforming it into valuable materials.

Reducing the carbon footprint of organizations and contributing to the global efforts against climate change.

Offering a multi-faceted approach that not only solves waste management issues but also brings tangible and intangible benefits to our clients and society at large.

Working closely with governments, institutions, and businesses to implement our technology and drive policy changes that encourage responsible waste management.


Transforming Waste Streams into Valuable Resource

We don’t just manage waste; we transform it. Our cutting-edge technology converts unsegregated waste streams into revenue-generating, bio-based composite polymer granules. By doing so, we eliminate landfill dependency and achieve zero residual waste during the process.

1. The Circular Economy

We actively participate in the circular economy by redirecting waste away from landfills. Our technology not only minimizes greenhouse gas emissions but also produces applications that are carbon-neutral or climate-positive. We treat third-generation raw materials as a sustainable resource, thereby contributing to a more responsible and efficient use of waste.

2. Product Applications

The bio-based composite polymer granules we produce serve a multitude of applications, from manufacturing paver blocks, crates, and road dividers to furniture. These granules can even be added to bitumen as an additive, paving the way for more sustainable road construction.

3. Safety and Environmental Impact

Zero Production Waste: Our process leaves no residual waste behind.

Zero Water Consumption: The technology doesn’t require water for processing.

Zero Effluents: No hazardous waste material is produced.

Zero Hazardous Fumes: Our process doesn’t emit harmful fumes.

Zero Combustion: No combustion takes place during the process.

This makes our composite polymer material eco-friendly and safe for both humans and the environment. Moreover, the complete mechanical and chemical transformation of waste neutralizes any harmful molecules and prevents the survival of microorganisms.

4. Carbon Credit/Green Credit and Sustainability

Our technology substantially reduces your carbon footprint, thereby earning you valuable carbon credits, plastic credits and green credits. This aligns perfectly with global initiatives for sustainability and provides an economic incentive for waste management.

5. Versatility

Our advanced machinery is capable of processing any unsegregated, untreated waste, converting it into bio-based composite polymer granules. This leads to zero landfill waste and offers a sustainable, market-ready composite material that is compatible with other commonly used polymers.


Economic Advantages

Economic Advantages

Revenue Generation: Transform waste into bio-based composite polymer granules that can be sold or utilized in various manufacturing processes.

Carbon Credits: Our technology helps you earn substantial carbon credits, turning an environmental responsibility into an economic advantage.

Cost Savings: Eliminate the costs associated with waste disposal and landfill fees by converting waste into reusable materials.

Environmental Benefits

Environmental Benefits

Zero Landfill: Our technology guarantees zero residual waste, significantly reducing landfill dependency.

Reduced Carbon Footprint: Lower your organization's carbon footprint substantially, contributing to global efforts against climate change.

Resource Conservation: By not requiring water for processing and emitting zero hazardous waste, our technology is a pinnacle of resource-efficient design.

Social Impact

Social Impact

Community Health: By diverting waste away from landfills and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we help create cleaner, safer communities.

Public Awareness: Our technology sets an example for responsible waste management, fostering greater public awareness and encouraging sustainable practices.

Local Ecosystems: By converting waste into bio-based composite polymer materials, we actively contribute to the preservation of local ecosystems, ensuring that the natural beauty and biodiversity of our communities are maintained for years to come.

CIECO Material

Bio-Based Composite Polymer: The Sustainable Solution for Tomorrow

What is Bio-Based Composite Polymer?

Our innovative waste conversion technology culminates in the production of bio-based composite polymer granules, a revolutionary material designed to solve modern challenges in sustainability. Made from converted, unsegregated municipal solid waste, these granules are not just an alternative but a replacement to conventional plastics.

Why Choose Our Bio-Based Composite Poymer Granules?

Sustainability: Sourced from 100% recycled municipal solid waste, our bio-based composite polymer material supports a circular economy, thereby reducing landfill waste and promoting environmental conservation.

Circular Economy
Versatility And Innovation

Versatility And Innovation

Versatility And Innovation

Multiple Applications: The bio-based composite polymer granules we produce can be used in a variety of applications, from construction materials to everyday items.




Zero Hazard: Our eco-friendly composite polymer material poses no health or safety risks, making it safe for both human use and environmental sustainability.




Our composite polymer granules meet high-quality standards, ensuring they are durable, resilient, and equally as effective as traditional plastics, if not more so.

Key Features

Zero Waste

Our waste conversion process ensures that there is zero residual waste, contributing to a cleaner, greener planet and prevents landfill

Carbon Footprint

 By diverting waste from landfills and converting it into a useful product, we significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


By using our material, you can optimize your production costs by integrating a cost-efficient and sustainable material into your supply chain.


Our bio-based composite polymer granules can be tailored to meet the specific needs of
various industries.


Use it for making sustainable bricks, panels, and insulation materials. It can be used as an additive for bitumen production.


Ideal for creating eco-friendly containers, wraps, and more.


Suitable for interior and exterior components that require durability and resilience.

Making An Impact

When you choose our bio-based composite polymer granules, you’re not just making a purchase; you’re making a statement. You’re advocating for a sustainable, responsible approach to material science, one that looks beyond the present and plans for a greener, cleaner future.

Investor Relations

Be Part Of A Sustainable Future

Revolutionary Journey

Revolutionary Journey

We’re not just a technology company; we are pioneers in transforming waste management into a sustainable, profitable venture. Our groundbreaking technology not only addresses global waste crises but also brings economic value, aligning with global sustainability goals.

Investment Opportunities

Investment Opportunities

Our unique approach has garnered attention and commitment from various sectors. We offer a range of investment opportunities tailored to different scales and scopes. Whether you’re an angel investor, a venture capitalist, or an institution, there’s a place for you in this journey.

Investment Opportunities
Business Plans and Financials

Business Plans and Financials

We’re transparent about our goals and how we intend to achieve them. Detailed business plans and financial summaries are available upon request, giving you a complete understanding of our operation and its future potential.


Our Commitment to E&S

At CIECO SustainTech Solutions, we believe that sustainability extends beyond our groundbreaking technologies. It is about integrating responsible practices into every layer of our operations, from the environmental impact of our processes to the well-being of our employees and communities.

Environmental Excellence

Our innovative waste conversion technology epitomizes our environmental commitment. It is designed to process unsegregated waste into valuable materials without residuals, directly reducing landfill usage. Powered by renewable energy solutions, our plants exemplify how industrial operations can harmonize with nature.

Social Responsibility

We are proactive in creating a positive social impact. By ensuring that the implementation of our technology translates into new job opportunities, especially for those who might be displaced, we demonstrate our commitment to inclusive growth. Our community programs are crafted to enhance the lives of those in the regions we serve.

Join us as we lead the charge towards a sustainable future, where technology and responsibility go hand in hand.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Interested in being a catalyst for change and earning substantial returns in the process? Contact us to discover how you can be part of this revolutionary journey.

Legal & Compliances: Upholding the Highest Standards

Regulatory Adherence

Our technology and operations are in full compliance with all relevant local, state, and federal regulations, including those related to waste management, environmental protection, and occupational safety.

Intellectual Property

We respect intellectual property rights and have secured all the necessary certifications for our technology and brand, ensuring the integrity and uniqueness of our solutions.

Data Protection

We are committed to the highest standards of data protection and confidentiality, complying with GDPR, CCPA, and other applicable data protection laws to safeguard our clients’ and stakeholders’ information.

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